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Kelly Bear Behavior book cover

Book size is 8-1/2 x 11 inches, softbound.

“Kelly Bear taught me to make good choices." – Child

“What a creative, fun way for children to learn and to discover more about themselves." – Parent

“My granddaughter and I enjoy completing the pages. Using the book provides some quality time together to discuss these important topics." – Grandmother

Kelly Bear Book: ACTIVITIES

Children, ages 3 to 9, find the Kelly Bear books fun to read again and again. All children readily identify with the green bear who serves as a positive role model for children. (Over 350,000 books being used throughout the world!)

Why do children LOVE Kelly Bear?
In the four books, Feelings, Behavior, Health, and Earth, Kelly Bear shares his feelings and experiences FIRST and then asks children about their lives. These books are to be read by a parent, teacher, counselor, or other adult with a child or children.

After reading each question, children respond as though they are conversing with Kelly Bear, so it is easier for them to speak openly. When the adult listens carefully and repeats what the child says, the child feels valued and accepted. The resulting adult-child communication and bonding fosters the child's self-confidence. The Kelly Bear books further children's social, emotional, physical and intellectual development.

GOAL: This book provides parents, teachers, counselors, or other adults with activities that reinforce the life skill lessons learned by reading the first three books. Each activity may be reproduced.

It contains:

  • 10 activity sheets on Feelings
  • 10 activity sheets on Behavior
  • 10 activity sheets on Health
  • Objectives, grade levels, and detailed directions for each of the 30 activities to enhance learning.


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